The Start Of Operation Final Answer
The FBI went through a couple of names for the operations. After rejecting the Hamburglar and many ones that started with “Mc,” they settled on “Operation Final Answer.” It looks like they were fans of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, which had been very popular at the time. The show also co-sponsored the contest. At the time, the FBI did not know if any of the McDonald’s corporate employees were part of the scam. However, the FBI eventually explained the situation to the company and shared the next steps. If you wanted to understand what sort of person Agent Mathews is, we want you to know that he donned a gold suit when they met with the top security team of the fast-food chain. He did this all because he thought that it was going to be funny!
What The Operation Entailed
The operation expanded and involved many undercover agents and wiretaps. Amy Murray, a marketing employee of McDonald’s, joined the team to launch a ploy that involved Mathews as an undercover agent among others. They pretended to be a TV production crew working on a TV commercial campaign by talking to the winners. They taped the jackpot winners as they told their stories on what it was like to win the prizes. Agent Mathews had a lot of fun doing this even though the fake winners found it awkward to do the fake interviews. On the other hand, Murray felt awkward but pulled through in the end. The “winners” included the father of Robin Colombo and a Florida man who bought a boat with his winnings. Fair play to him for calling it Ruthless Scoundrel!