There Is A Good Reason You Have Never Heard Of This McDonald Monopoly Scam Before

Published on 09/06/2020

Meet Jerome Paul Jacobson

Jerome Paul Jacobson had always dreamt of being a police officer. He was born in Youngstown, Ohio in 1943, although he relocated to Miami as a teen. Sadly, unlucky injuries and chronic allergies put a stop to his dreams. He tried to join the Marines, but he got discharged during basic training thanks to high arches. In 1986, he joined the Hollywood Police Department in Florida but injured his wrist a year after that. In 1980, he went on a long medical leave and collapsed, leading to severe paralysis in his eyes, arms, legs, and respiratory system. He also found out that he had a rare neurological disorder, which was eventually identified as multiple sclerosis.

Meet Jerome Paul Jacobson

Meet Jerome Paul Jacobson


Working Together And Then Divorcing

Thanks to his illness, he had no choice but to leave the job. Marsha, his wife, went on a leave of absence to look after him as well. “I became his private nurse, I bathed him, massaged his muscles, fed him,” she said in an interview. The couple eventually relocated to Atlanta in 1981. While they were there, he recovered enough to find a job as a mechanic who built alternators for cars that he could not afford. On the other hand, she was a security auditor for an accounting firm called Arthur Young. Her assignment was at the Dittler Brothers, which is why she recommended Jerome for a position. But it looked like it was a mistake for them to work with each other. They kept fighting at work and ultimately divorced in 1983.

Working Together And Then Divorcing

Working Together And Then Divorcing