The Best Movie Remakes from 2018-2021

Published on 10/08/2019

Charlie’s Angels

A new generation of private detectives is said to hit the big screen in November 2019. This new film will combine events of the 2000 film and also of the 1970s tv series. Also, both original produces Drew Barrymore and Leonard Goldberg will help director Elizabeth Banks on the project. In this version, Charles Bosley has expanded his company into a global spy agency with multiple teams of Angels completing the most strenuous missions. Also, the name “Bosley” now refers to a rank in the organization, meaning that all the Angeles have a chance to be Bosley. For Banks, the most important part of the film was highlighting the trio working together and supporting one another.

Charlie's Angels

Charlie’s Angels

The Lion King

For those who grew up with the film, The Lion King holds a special place in our hearts. It’s only natural we would be a spectacle to hear of a live-action remake of the Lion King 20 years later. The highly anticipated film dominated the box office, yet the reviews remain mixed. To some, the live-action characters made the film feel more real and emotional, while others felt the nature documentary look actually created a divide between the viewers and adored characters. Nonetheless, the cinematography is impeccable and the production successfully captures the notion of realness. If you ask me, I was sobbing in my seat… Anyone else relates?

The Lion King

The Lion King