Breaking It Open
What he took out, to her utter disbelief, was a pocket knife. The student was left, becoming even more worried, but when he broke it down and gave her the pieces, he was greeted with a look of confusion from her. In a surprising move, she was just able to look at him. He wanted to do everything to discover the facts concerning our universe. Since she enjoyed and appreciated this piece of jewelry, he realized it would be really tragic if he missed it.

Breaking It Open
She Could Not Believe It
She felt disappointed and furious at him instantly. The feeling was apparent. Why could he have burnt the precious thing that was so important to her? When he returned the next day (when he had patched her computer), he asked her if she had a weird joke played on her. She had worked out it was something to do with him being computer-savvy. He had his whole existence inside of this unique necklace, but he was unaware all this time he had a special pocket in there too.

She Could Not Believe It