‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Shaves Off His Trademark Beard, Fans Don’t Recognize Him

Published on 07/01/2019

A Good Reason

Even though just about every Robertson man has a long and bushy beard, there is simply something fascinating about the one on Jase. It is one more reason a lot of his fans and relatives felt shocked after he made his announcement to get rid of it. However, people changed their mind after hearing that he was doing this for a worthy cause. We hope you are ready to hear all about it.

A Good Reason

A Good Reason


His Little Girl

Jase has a daughter called Mia. She was born with a cleft palate and lip abnormality. This is a condition that happens when the top lip fails to form properly and the skull fails to connect with the top of the mouth while the baby is in utero. On the bright side, this is not fatal and can even be corrected through surgery. Even so, the child might suffer from certain speech difficulties while growing up.

His Little Girl

His Little Girl