Did They Actually Find Noah’s Ark In This Turkish Mountain?

Published on 12/19/2019


Explorer Marco Polo has described his exploration of the mountain in his book, The Travels of Marco Polo. However, modern explorers only got there in the 19th century. Dr. Friedrich Parrot made the ascent in 1829 and explained that “no human being is allowed to approach it” because of how sacred it was to Armenians. Nearly 50 years later, James Bryce found something that changed it all.




Up There

James Bryce is a historian, diplomat, explorer, statesman, and law professor. He climbed the mountain in 1876. He wanted to look for proof to back up the story. While he did not reach the peak, he did make it up to a tree line with a view of its snowy slopes. It was there that he found something strange.

Up There

Up There