Did They Actually Find Noah’s Ark In This Turkish Mountain?

Published on 12/19/2019

Many Myths

The thought of an epic flood sent down by a deity is not new and exists in different religions and cultures. Manu of the Hindu Satapatha Brahmana and Utnapishtim of the Epic of Gilgamesh also made boats after receiving divine warnings. There are also similar tales in Plato’s writing and the Sumerian Epic of Ziusudra. There are similar stories in Chinese and Hopi cultures as well. There are various religion-specific versions, but everything was consistent about the world immersed in water. But why?

Many Myths

Many Myths


Eternal Life

Among the oldest tales of apocalyptic floods would be the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. This 4000-year-old poem was inscribed on stone tablets and followed the king’s search for eternal life. He encountered men, gods, monsters, and an old man called Utnapishtim, who knew the answer to his question. In his quest to find it out for himself, Gilgamesh listened to the tale of the old man.

Eternal Life

Eternal Life