There’s one thing dieters usually hear. They are advised to eat until they feel full. The problem is the huge varieties of food you can choose from, and each has different effects on hunger and satiety. Just imagine this, a 200-calorie chicken breast may give you better satiety than a 500-calorie chocolate cake. This is why losing weight is never about eating until you’re full. It’s primarily on choosing which food will satisfy your hunger with the least calories.
How Food Can Make You Feel Filled
Every food’s satiety effects are related to its caloric content. How much food satisfies your hunger is determined by several factors. The satiety index scale is used to assess foods’ calorie and satiety ratio. The satiety index measures a food’s capacity to fill you up, suppress your hunger, and help you eat fewer calories throughout the day. Some meals are just better at satisfying hunger and avoiding overeating than others.