Healthy Options: These Are The Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Published on 09/15/2021


I don’t know if you’ve noticed (although we’re sure that you have) but soy is taking major shelf space in most supermarkets these days. There’s good reason for that, and it’s not just because it’s a decent replacement for eating meat. Soy fights bad cholesterol while providing you with fiber, omega-3 fats and protein!




Apple Cider Vinegar

I know, I know, apple cider vinegar is infamously known for its awful smell. Beyonce is actually a firm believer in this vinegar’s healing and health powers. A recommended use of apple cider vinegar is to dilute it with water and drink it before meals. Apparently this helps promote weight loss, as well as lower blood pressure and fight off heart disease.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar