Woman Heard Strange Noises In Her House, Then Realized Where They Were Coming From

Published on 11/20/2019

There always seems to be one house in each town that everyone tries to avoid, for whatever reason. This was no exception in Germantown, Tennessee. Some neighbors thought the house was eerie and haunted, but what was really going on in the house was different than what anyone ever would have imagined. What the homeowners found out changed their views forever.

Woman Heard Strange Noises In Her House, Then Realized Where They Were Coming From

Woman Heard Strange Noises In Her House, Then Realized Where They Were Coming From

Not A Special House

This couple purchased what they thought was a normal house just like any other one in the area. Their house was in Germantown, Tennessee. Everyone in this town is close with their neighbors, and the neighborhood this couple lived in was one that was a much-desired spot. When the family first moved into the home, they didn’t realize that they’d have a long road ahead of them before feeling safe. Not long after they moved in, they started hearing a noise haunt them all the time.

Not A Special House

Not A Special House

Old Home

As the home was not newly built, the family wasn’t surprised to hear some noises around. They quickly acclimated to squeaking in floorboards and other imperfections that come with aged homes, but one noise they kept hearing was one that they just couldn’t pinpoint. This family didn’t mind owning an old home. In fact, most of the homes in Germantown are old ones that homeowners have renovated to look modern again!

Old Home

Old Home