The Noises Didn’t Stop
In the beginning, the noise didn’t bother the family so much because they only heard it once in a while. Eventually, though, it became impossible to ignore. They knew they had to do something because they couldn’t stand to live in a home where something bizarre was happening. Since they didn’t know what it was, they jumped to the worst conclusions. They thought it could be something living behind the walls, which could cause real damage and cost real money to repair. Soon enough, they got an idea of what to do.

The Noises Didn’t Stop
Maybe It’s A Rat
At first, this family thought there could be some sort of rodent living in their walls, but they knew what that would sound like, and they were certain it wasn’t the same thing they were hearing. Whatever it was, they wanted them out as soon as possible. They weren’t willing to wait around. They needed to take action.

Maybe It’s A Rat