He Finds An Old Chain With His Metal Detector, Has No Clue What’s Waiting For Him

Published on 08/18/2019

More Ring Ditches

They also found two other burials, also located in ring ditches. Soon after this, they discovered a complex of walls and other similar features. This convinced researchers that this was a Celtic settlement that has remained hidden for a long time! “The actual field is very large and it is only in the corner of this field. But the settlement is also going into other nearby fields,” Mike explained.

More Ring Ditches

More Ring Ditches


How To Go About It

Adam Gwilt is the principal curator of prehistoric archaeology at the museum. He explained, “These chariot pieces may have been witness to some of the historical events of the time, as Iron Age peoples defended their ways of life and identities…”

How To Go About It

How To Go About It