He Finds An Old Chain With His Metal Detector, Has No Clue What’s Waiting For Him

Published on 08/18/2019

From The Iron Age

“You’re definitely talking six or seven figures,” Mike Smith speculated. “It’s the biggest ever metal detecting find, as in there’s never been a chariot ever discovered by a metal detectorist. There have been hoards found, but never anything like this.” We have to say that we feel a tinge of jealousy about the fact that he expects to net as much as £1 million for the discovery he made. Whoa.

From The Iron Age

From The Iron Age


The Celts

One question that remains is: who were the Celts? As it turns out, the answer isn’t quite simple. The Celts were a collection of tribes that originated in central Europe. They shared a similar language, religious beliefs, traditions, and culture. it’s believed that Celtic culture began to evolve as early as 1200 B.C. Over time, the Celts spread out throughout western Europe, including Spain, France, Ireland, and Britain. To this day, their legacy is prominent in Ireland and Great Britain, where traces of their language and culture are still present.

The Celts

The Celts