1915 Panama Pacific Octagonal $50 Gold Piece
This precious find was not quite like the others. A guy came to Pawn Stars looking for a Panama Pacific Octagonal $50 gold piece from the year 1915 and was willing to pay $70K for it.
Rick went to one of the biggest coin auctions in the US. He was able to find two pieces and sold one to the guy for $67,500.
$111,000 Worth Of Silver
More than ten years ago, a guy started to invest in silver and managed to acquire more than 200 pounds of it. It was definitely a wise investment since silver’s value went up to $111,000. This became one of the biggest purchases ever on the show.
Apparently, the Harrison family are melting the silver to make their own custom coins with the face of the elder Harrison on it. They are planning to sell the coins at $70 each.