This Pregnant Dog Did Not Give Birth And The Reason Surprised Everyone

Published on 09/02/2019

Loving And Loyal Creatures

Even though pit bulls are thought to be a dangerous dog breed, there is nothing to back up such a claim. In fact, these dogs can be as loyal and loving like every other dog out there! Of course, they will also behave badly if they get mistreated.

Loving and Loyal Creatures

Loving And Loyal Creatures

No, it is not true that their genes make them evil. In fact, they can be the most amazing companions ever! What were Chris and Mariesa going to learn when they came face to face with this pit bull?


The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

The rescue staff told Chris and Mariesa that the puppies should have already been born! They had no idea why this was not the case. She looked like she was ready to give birth any moment now.

The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

It was clear that this was a precarious situation. What was the matter? Mariesa and Chris wanted to give Storie the best possible treatment. Hopefully, this was going to help her give birth in a safe manner.