Pregnant Dog Refuses To Give Birth, Then The Vet Sees Exactly Why

Published on 03/31/2019

Something Isn’t Right

Even as time ticked on, the shapes on the screen didn’t seem to be disappearing or changing at all. Those little white outlines presented something groundbreaking for everyone in the room. Mariesa, after seeing the vet’s reaction, pushed to find out what was going on.

Something Isnt Right

Something Isn’t Right

The Shock Of A Lifetime

After collecting her thoughts, the vet started to explain what was going on inside Storie’s body. Initially, they thought that she was pregnant with 6 puppies, but the ultrasound showed otherwise. The vet showed them the outlines on the monitor, and slowly they realized what was going on. This might be able to explain why Storie hadn’t given birth yet.

The Shock Of A Lifetime

The Shock Of A Lifetime