Everyone Called Him “Rabbit Boy” But Things Have Completely Changed A Decade Later

Published on 02/03/2021

Even Worse Than Usual

Despite everything, his parents wanted to fix his buck teeth. They did not want to see Evan depressed because of all the cruel jokes. At the time, however, the only thing preventing them from getting the treatment was the cost. His personal dentist shared that the young boy had the worst case of buck teeth he had seen in the 25 years of his career. He estimated that it would cost $12,000 to fix it.

Even Worse Than Usual

Even Worse Than Usual


A Lot Of Money

As you can see for yourself, this is no laughing matter. That is a lot of money, but they had no choice. His parents had to find a way to finance it somehow. It was not going to be easy, however. They did not have that kind of money to their name. It did not help that they also had a recent unplanned expense.

A Lot Of Money

A Lot Of Money