Everyone Called Him “Rabbit Boy” But Things Have Completely Changed A Decade Later

Published on 02/03/2021

Its Success Was Unbelievable

Once the campaign reached $100,000 in donation, the program closed it. Neither the show producers nor the family thought that something like this would ever happen to them. Can you believe that so many people were willing to help Evan? With the money in hand, it was time to put it to good use.

Its Success Was Unbelievable

Its Success Was Unbelievable


Only The First Step

At last, the family could now book the first appointment for the process. This was only the beginning for him. They had to wait several weeks after that initial assessment. The truth was that Evan had been waiting for years to get them fixed. He was thrilled that his dream was finally going to come true.

Only The First Step

Only The First Step