Everyone Called Him “Rabbit Boy” But Things Have Completely Changed A Decade Later

Published on 02/03/2021

The First Result

At any rate, the first result looked amazing already. After that, the next thing they had to do was to install wired braces to push the top row of teeth further back. It would also straighten his teeth. This way, they could bring down the overhang. However, braces take a long time before the effects show.

The First Result

The First Result


What To Do With The Money

With over $100,000 from the fundraiser, they had a lot of money leftover from the dental fee. After all, it only cost $12,000. What did they plan to do with the rest of the money? We already know that they bought a new car. They still had some money left, but they did not want to keep it to themselves.

What To Do With The Money

What To Do With The Money