Everyone Called Him “Rabbit Boy” But Things Have Completely Changed A Decade Later

Published on 02/03/2021

Checking In On Him

When his mom talked to the press, she said, “I really don’t know where we would be without the generosity we’ve had. We did initially look at getting a mortgage, but this came up and blew us away.” The boy was also interviewed as the press wanted to follow up on his story. What did he look like now?

Checking In On Him

Checking In On Him


If It Were Not For Them

With the generosity of other New Zealanders, his confidence and self-esteem have improved a lot. Evan is now a happy and healthy young man who has his entire future ahead of him. He remains optimistic about the future. We are glad that he did not let his bullies get him down. He has come a long way!

If It Were Not For Them

If It Were Not For Them