Everyone Called Him “Rabbit Boy” But Things Have Completely Changed A Decade Later

Published on 02/03/2021

A Serious Case Of Buck Teeth

His story began when he was only ten years old. Around this time, young kids would usually get braces installed. However, his case was a bit different from the rest. You see, Evan had a serious case of buck teeth. The condition made his front teeth protrude from his mouth in a rather prominent way.

A Serious Case Of Buck Teeth

A Serious Case Of Buck Teeth


It Made His Life Difficultly

In general, teeth rest at an angle of two degrees. However, he sat at 12 degrees! On top of that, his top teeth were more than two cm away from his bottom teeth. It lent him a very distinctive look ever since he was young. The condition did not only give him a visual problem, but it gave him oral problems too.

It Made His Life Difficult

It Made His Life Difficultly