Everyone Called Him “Rabbit Boy” But Things Have Completely Changed A Decade Later

Published on 02/03/2021

It Caused A Great Deal Of Stress

His teeth caught the attention of the mean kids at school. They bullied him more and more as time went on. All the jokes and comments so stressed Evan that he began to dislike school. His parents did not miss the way that he was changing either. In fact, they were heartbroken to see him in this state.

It Caused A Great Deal Of Stress

It Caused A Great Deal Of Stress


He Hated His Teeth

It was not easy to be the target of bullies. Evan started to hate the appearance of his teeth as well. His mom told him that he was fine the way he was. For the longest time, he agreed with her. However, he only grew more and more frustrated with each passing day. His mom could see that this was the case.

He Hated His Teeth

He Hated His Teeth