“The Rifleman”: Things You Didn’t Know About The Classic Western Show

Published on 07/23/2019

Fans and The Rifle

A fan called Al Williamson posted this on TVparty.com: “We used to love watching the show just to see him cock that rifle – you know, the looping underhand action Chuck Connors would use to load a round into the .44-.40 chamber. Man, he’d cock that rifle and all the bad guys would know they were messin’ with one bad mofo. My dad used to say that Connors was known to swing his baseball bat like that in the on-deck circle as a pro ball player. We also loved to hear the rifle being fired – it was like no other gun sound on TV.”

Fans and The Rifle

Fans and The Rifle


Violence on TV

When The Rifleman went on air, it was one of the most violent TV shows at the time. McCain created what was thought to be the first semiautomatic weapon. Marshall Micha Torrance was a recovering alcoholic as well. He had a hard time keeping the peace in town and asked McCain for a hand. When things were rough, Torrance went to the bar to drink his problems away.

Violence on TV

Violence on TV