“The Rifleman”: Things You Didn’t Know About The Classic Western Show

Published on 07/23/2019


Sweeney the bartender was played by Bill Quinn on The Rifleman. He was introduced in “The Marshal”. During “Seven”, prisoners were being transferred to Yuma. One of them escapes, goes to the saloon, and holds Sweeney hostage. Bill Quinn has taken on over 150 roles over the years! His career started in the ‘20s and ended in the ‘80s. At the age of 81, he died of natural causes.



Joe Higgins

Joe Higgins was another regular on the show. He played a number of characters before he landed the recurring role of the blacksmith Nils Swenson. His southern accent helped him over the years. Perhaps you remember his line from The Dukes of Hazzard: “Boy, you in a heap of trouble”. He also played the Safety Sheriff in numerous print ads.

Joe Higgins

Joe Higgins