After 40 Years Of Being Married, Woman Finds Out From The FBI Who Her Husband Really Is

Published on 05/03/2020

His Work Paid Off

Walter was committed to doing better and turning his life around. “I became the perfect inmate. I never had a mark on my record,” he said. His work paid off, and his good behavior got him transferred to a minimum-security center.

His Work Paid Off

His Work Paid Off

The Transfer

His new situation was “more like a camp” compared to maximum security, and while the facility still had high fences and looming gun towers, it came with a larger sense of freedom as well.

His New Situation Was “more Like A Camp” Compared To Maximum Security, And While The Facility Still Had High Fences And Looming Gun Towers, It Came With A Larger Sense Of Freedom As Well.

The Transfer