The Experts Utilized Robots To Capture These Uncanny Underwater Discoveries Below The Golden Gate Bridge

Published on 04/06/2021

She Found Something Interesting

It’s not exactly a surprise, then, that McDaniel, a Muskegon native, went to check out the storm damage near her home on Thanksgiving. The woman found a different pattern near the water’s edge as she strolled along the lakeshore. McDaniel couldn’t figure out what this strange object was, but she knew she’d never seen that before. We’ll return to the discovery later, but first, let’s learn something about Lake Michigan along with some of the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

She Found Something Interesting

She Found Something Interesting


The Four Great Lakes

Lake Michigan is one of North America’s five Great Lakes, as you may recall from elementary school geography. Because Michigan is connected to Lake Huron by a narrow channel known as the Straits of Mackinac, there are really only four great lakes in total. As a result of their correlation, the two lakes form a single large body of water. In regular usage, that being said, Michigan and Huron are distinct.

The Four Lakes

The Four Lakes