You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020


Most of the food experts agree that there are serious problems with water in China. The water for the approximately 1.4 billion Chinese is already scarce. Now environmentalists are warning of water pollution in China. According to recent estimates, 60 to 80 percent of the groundwater is not potable. Not only soil but also waterways contain heavy metals, pesticide,s and industrial waste. The reason for this problem is that lakes and rivers are strongly polluted.

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Organic food

While in the US and the EU, organic food has to meet certain requirements, the rules in China look different. There are almost no government regulations about organic food production. Often times the farmers and inspectors work together when it comes to the misleading of the labeling in order to circumvent foreign custom inspections. This means that Chinese food that is labeled as “organic” is not nieces really organic. This is why it is really important to know where your food comes from!

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Organic food