You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020

Ma Po tofu

A lot of vegans are tripped up by this meal, believing it to be nothing more than tofu cubes with chili and peppers. However, this hot cuisine from the Chinese province of Sichuan is packed with tiny bits of ground beef or pork.

Do you have a sensitivity to spicy food? Even if you request less chili from your server, the likelihood is that this meal will still burn your insides. It is a popular dish in China and is widely available.

Ma Po Tofu

Ma Po Tofu


Tasting Chinese Food

People in China pay close attention to their food’s color, fragrance, taste, and shape, with flavor being considered the “soul” or essence of Chinese cuisine. Chinese folks season their food with a variety of seasonings to provide a more varied flavor experience.

Tasting Chinese Foods

Tasting Chinese Foods