The images of famous historical figures have been immortalized in sculptures, portraits, and paintings that were made while they were alive, but it is possible that these works of art were not that accurate. In some cases, those who commissioned the works of art ordered artists to flatter the subject. Thanks to modern technology, however, we can now find out what historical figures actually looked like. Keep reading to see what some famous figures in history really looked like!
King Tut
The Egyptian pharaoh King Tutankhamun reigned from 1332 until 1323 BC, during the New Kingdom era of Egypt. In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered King Tut’s tomb, which had been sealed for over 3,200 years. Completely intact, the tomb contained treasures and artifacts meant to accompany the young pharaoh in the afterlife. King Tut only reigned for around ten years before he passed away and scientists discovered what had contributed to the young pharaoh’s death after they found out what he really looked like.

King Tut
What King Tut Really Looked Like
When DNA studies were carried out on Tut’s mummy, scientists found out that he had quite a few health problems which contributed to his death. Even though Tut was tall, he was frail, had a bone disorder, suffered from several bouts of malaria, and had an infected broken leg when he died. There is also evidence that he had a club foot, a disadvantage of inbreeding, which was traditional at the time (his mother and father were siblings). These revelations are possible explanations of some aspects of the life of King Tut, the only pharaoh who is pictured doing all things sitting down, including archery.

What King Tut Really Looked Like