Famous Figures In History And What They Actually Looked Like

Published on 03/10/2020

Nicolaus Copernicus

There was a time when people believed that Earth was the center of the universe, but thankfully, Nicolaus Copernicus’ theory made things clear. Born in 1473, Copernicus made a model of a sun-centered solar system that still stands true to this day. He was originally from Poland but his mind led him all over Europe during his lifetime. Too bad he is not around today because someone needs to tell the people who believe that the Earth is flat that they are wrong.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus


What Nicolaus Copernicus Really Looked Like

Old renditions of Nicolaus Copernicus do not really do him justice since he is seen as gaunt and hollowed. It is only right that with the advancement of technology, someone would make a better rendering of the man responsible for opening our eyes to the truth about the universe. Even with this new depiction, he still looks a bit miserable. Some might say that is the price of genius, and Oscar Wilde did say that the ugly and stupid live the best lives.

What Nicolaus Copernicus Really Looked Like

What Nicolaus Copernicus Really Looked Like