Famous Figures In History And What They Actually Looked Like

Published on 06/23/2019


Trajan was born in September of 53 and later died in August of 117. He was in power as a Roman emperor from 98 until his death in 117. The Roman Senate declared Trajan optimus princeps aka “the best ruler”. He was recognized by many as one of the most successful soldier-emperors ever. The fact that he was in charge during one of the greatest military expansions in Roman history helps. Upon his death, the empire had attained its maximum territorial extent.




What Trajan Really Looked Like

Trajan’s facial reconstruction was based on the marble bust in the above photograph. The bust was unearthed by archeologists who estimate it was made in 113 AD. They assume that because of its quality, the artist must have seen the emperor in person. When they found the statue, it was dismembered into over 356 pieces due to an earthquake many years ago. Trajan’s reconstruction is so real looking thanks to the well-executed marble bust.

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What Trajan Really Looked Like