30+ Ingenious Uses For WD-40 You Did Not Know Before

Published on 12/27/2018

Washing Bathroom Tiles

Our bathroom tiles tend to fill easily with all sort of gunk! Yikes. At least WD-40 can get those out in record time. You don’t have to spend too much time on your knees scrubbing away; it’s as simple as a spray and a wipe.

Washing Bathroom Tiles

Washing Bathroom Tiles


Unsqueaking Squeaky Shoes

We bet you can already tell where we are going with this! As you might know, clown shoes are definitely not the only type of footwear that could squeak. If your shoes are squeaky, it will stay quiet as soon as you spritz a small amount of WD-40.

Unsqueaking Squeaky Shoes

Unsqueaking Squeaky Shoes