30+ Ingenious Uses For WD-40 You Did Not Know Before

Published on 12/27/2018

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip

Argh! Isn’t it the worst? You know what I’m talking about, dragging a sliding door open or closed when it simply won’t budge. If you think we aren’t going to share a solution for this then you probably haven’t been paying attention. Spray the strip where the door is supposed to move and then wipe it clean. You might need to do this more than once to clean up all that dust.

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip


Preventing Wind Chimes Rust

So not everybody wants wind chimes outside their house, but for those who do, here’s a trick you’ll love. A little bit of rust might add some character, but too much makes them look tacky and dirty. Spray them with WD-40 and watch them survive every season.

Preventing Wind Chimes Rust

Preventing Wind Chimes Rust