The Most Outstanding Weather Forecasters In The United States

Published on 06/21/2020

Erin Nicole

Erin Nicole is now a loving mother to a gorgeous baby girl named Lillian Mare. Previously, she had worked in Detroit as a reporter for CBS and UPN back then. This lovely lady grew up in Birmingham, Michigan, and was attending Mercy High School. She received her big break in 2002. Following that, she moved to New York to begin a career in the entertainment and broadcast industry. She was an arena hostess for nearly all home games for the Detroit Pistons in 2014. She also appeared on the NBA’s weekly shows!

Erin Nicole

Erin Nicole


Robin Meade

Robin Meade is from New London, Ohio, and an Ashland University graduate. Her degree is in Political Science, Radio and TV, minor. She joined pageants and won Miss Ohio, recording country music and working in the following states: Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, and Miami. Her first appearance on September 11, 2001, now seems too far from her current accomplishments. She is currently the lead news anchor in HLN or known before as the CNN Headline News.

Robin Meade

Robin Meade