Guys See A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And He Has The Perfect Response

Published on 08/17/2021

Time to Release the Wolf

It was now time to let the timber wolf go. This is a very intense situation for John but he was ready to do it. With the plywood separating them, John was ready to find out if he will live through another day or not.

Time to Release the Wolf

Time to Release the Wolf

As expected, the wolf didn’t like the existence of the plywood. It freaked out and bit the plywood, which implies that it is scared of it. Maybe it thought that it will hurt him. John didn’t let this get into his way though. Using his free hand, John took his time to release the trap. He needed to do this as careful as possible, but it was very difficult.


Free At Last

After a few minutes, John managed to free the wolf! It took a moment for it to take off as it spins around first, feeling freedom for the first time in few hours. John and his buddies along with his father are all happy to see that John was safe and that the wolf was finally free. It’s really a relief!

Free At Last

Free At Last

Everyone was relieved that they handled the situation very well without hurting anyone. They celebrated and congratulated each other. His friend got the whole thing on camera and they were surprised to see the reaction made by the wolf.