Guys See A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And He Has The Perfect Response

Published on 08/17/2021

Waiting For Dad

It turns out that the wolf finally calm down and seemed to trust the humans around him. While John’s father got the supplies that he needs from the truck, the remaining men stayed with the wolf the whole time. A few minutes into this, it eventually calmed down. It may be because it was tired as it was panting the whole time.

Waiting For Dad

Waiting For Dad

As John knew that making a mistake is not an option here, he took a closer look at the situation. They need to be careful in making the plan work well. They know that one mistake can lead to their end. Like humans, animals may tend to bite if they are hurt.


Thinking It Through

Planning out the whole situation feels like an eternity. One minute feels like hours for John and his buddies. Every second is one step closer to how the plan will end. The least they can do is to stay calm and be patient, but of course, it’s not as simple as it sounds. After all, this doesn’t occur a lot.

Thinking It Through

Thinking It Through

He had not done anything like this before. He did not know if the plans were going to let them free the wolf successfully. However, he knew it was not going to be easy. This is where the rifle and plywood come in.

This is not something that John made before. He did not have any idea how the plan will end. Will it turn according to their plan? or will it turn differently? They knew it wasn’t going to be easy and that is where the plywood and the gun come in. Precaution and safety are still their utmost priority.