Guys See A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And He Has The Perfect Response

Published on 08/12/2021

It Is A Risky Profession

We all know the famous saying, it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. It can be applied to a lot of situations figuratively but Greg took it literally. Trapping can be really fun and exciting but we all understand that it is not the safest hobby anyone can have.

It Is A Risky Profession

It Is A Risky Profession

Greg is open about this, and he usually shares this in his blogs. He encountered a lot of injuries from trapping. While he encountered bad lucks in the past, he is not ashamed to share it. He wanted people to see what they are getting themselves into.


Free From Traps

A lot of people are not really fans of trapping animals. Animals have rights as we all say. However, in these circumstances where wild animals tend to destroy crops and properties as well as kill livestock, what choice do they have?

Free From Traps

Free From Traps

There is an existing organization that aims to humanely move animals. It’s called Wyoming Untrapped. Their goal is to capture and relocate wild animals without using leg hold traps that can possibly hurt and injure them in the process. At least, there is still hope for our animals to become free from traps.