Guys See A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And He Has The Perfect Response

Published on 08/12/2021

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was the president, but he was an outdoorsman and big game hunter as well. This photo shows him with a bull elephant in 1909. This must be one of the biggest kills he ever made.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

He once said that he liked hunting because it gave him a thrill. After his time in office, he went on a controversial hunt. He killed hundreds of animals, from fish to birds to black rhinos. They are now critically endangered.


The Presidential Sons

Did you know that Eric Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. also like hunting? This is the reason they have landed in hot water in the past. Animal rights activists have harangued them for this hobby of theirs.

The Presidential Sons

The Presidential Sons

For these siblings, people who hunt are actually closer to nature since they know more about wild creatures. Not everyone is convinced since they still kill the animals in the end.