Guys See A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And He Has The Perfect Response

Published on 08/12/2021

In 3… 2… 1…

As he moved toward the animal, his dad tried to assure him by saying that his rifle was aimed at the animal. This was the only thing they could do to keep John safe if it leapt.

As he continues doing the plan, his dad tried to make sure that John was safe by saying that the gun was aimed at the wolf the whole time. It was his way of assuring John and keeping him calm and safe.

In 3… 2… 1…

In 3… 2… 1…

They are short on time. John knew that he has to do it, he’s ready and it’s time. He took a look at his friend who films the entire moment. All they can do now is to offer John their moral support and assure him that everything will be okay. It was time to start what they plan to do.


On Different Sides

There was a helpful notch on the plywood. Their plan was to put that over the paw of the wolf. John then maneuvered the plywood and then lower it over its paw. This was basically the plan.

On Different Sides

On Different Sides

The notch fitted perfectly over the paw. John then looked at the wolf, who was biting and scratching at the piece of wood! It was aggressive and ready to attack. Would it figure out that John was trying to help? or will it aggressively attack him instead?