Get To Know More About The Amazing Culture Of The Amish People!

Published on 04/06/2021

Loyal Peacemakers

The Amish religion is predominantly pacifist, rejecting conflict and placing a high priority on repentance. The Amish refuse to serve in the military or support the death penalty for religious reasons. The Amish are pacifists who claim to obey Jesus’ order to love those who hate you. The Amish despise all forms of violence.

Loyal Peacemakers

Loyal Peacemakers


Unique Toys

Faceless dolls are often offered to young Amish children as a toy. The expressionless, blank faces discourage pride and vanity. The dolls are faceless because “all are alike in God’s view,” according to a 2007 sociological report, and the lack of facial features complies with the Bible’s prohibition against graven images. The majority of Amish doll makers kept their identities secret.

Unique Toys

Unique Toys