Get To Know More About The Amazing Culture Of The Amish People!

Published on 04/06/2021


While an older Amish man with a long beard is not unusual, mustaches are uncommon. Mustaches are frowned upon, but beards are acceptable since men in the Bible sported them often. As a result, seeing an Amish man with a large beard isn’t surprising.



Believer’s Baptism

“Believer’s baptism,” which is basically a baptism for those reaching adulthood, is a traditional Amish procedure. Since it is believed that faith cannot arise until the age of accountability, a believer’s baptism is sometimes referred to as adult baptism. When a child reaches the period that they may earnestly confess their faith, they are often baptized as believers. Anabaptism, a Christian movement, gave rise to this belief.

Believer's Baptism

Believer’s Baptism