Get To Know More About The Amazing Culture Of The Amish People!

Published on 04/06/2021

Community In Business

The Amish clearly partake in capitalism, but humanely. The Amish launch many successful businesses, and their businesses have a high survival rate. For example, competitors help each other. A person who started a farm-produce business may help another prospective business owner by teaching them tricks of the trade. Despite the fact they would become competitors, community overrides the greed that would engulf normal society.

Community In Business

Community In Business

Ownership Stakes

Obviously not for every Amish business, but true for some- there are opportunities for Amish employees to earn ownership stakes from their employers. This way they can truly take a share of the profits. The Amish have an understanding that families need a certain amount of wealth to lead a healthy life, and as previously mentioned, community trumps personal success.

Ownership Stakes

Ownership Stakes