Army Dad Gets Furious After Seeing Another Family’s Grocery

Published on 03/02/2021

Denied Assistance

So, what had enraged Patrick so much? It was because the state had refused to help him and his family when they were in desperate need. Patrick protects and serves all Americans, but he is ineligible for food stamps. This is a mind-boggling fact. Do you think Patrick was too quick to judge the couple who used food stamps to buy luxury items? Do you think there’s more to the couple’s past than meets the eye?

Denied Assistance

Denied Assistance


Going Viral

Patrick’s Facebook post has gotten a lot of attention, which is understandable. It has received over 100,000 shares and hundreds of comments, with many arguments both for and against Patrick’s assessment of the couple who did not appear to be in need of government assistance. One comment in particular, among the many about Patrick’s experience, brought up an interesting point.

Going Viral

Going Viral