Army Dad Gets Furious After Seeing Another Family’s Grocery

Published on 03/02/2021

Loading Their Loot

It took a long time for the couple to load their massive haul into their car. When Patrick passed the couple in the parking lot, he had just finished paying for the three bags of groceries that he had so carefully selected. He took a look at them. It would have been better if he hadn’t because what he saw only served to enrage him further. It also compelled him to act on the photograph he had taken.

Loading Their Loot

Loading Their Loot


Made Peace

He’d made peace with what he’d witnessed at the checkout line. Patrick had resolved to simply shake it off. On the other hand, Patrick was taken aback when he saw the couple in the parking lot and the car they were driving. It’s safe to say that it wasn’t a cheap car. He made the decision to make the couple famous for this reason.

Made Peace

Made Peace