These Bad Habits Are Hurting Your Kidneys

Published on 12/02/2019

Steer Clear Of Body Enhancements

While you think you are doing something great for your muscles when you are taking steroids or body enhancements, you are killing your kidneys. Upwards of 90 percent of bodybuilders have ended up developing kidney scarring from using muscle enhancements. After these athletes stopped using enhancements, their kidneys eventually healed and regathered their strength. Steroids cause an increase cholesterol levels, a decrease in protein levels, an increase in swelling throughout your body; all of which are extremely harmful to the kidneys.

Steer Clear Of Body Enhancements

Steer Clear Of Body Enhancements


Monitor Your Heartburn Medication

Some heartburn medications are called PPIs, and unlike some other heartburn medications, PPIs should not be taken every day. These drugs suppress the acid in your stomach, which can cause some serious harm to your kidneys. Taking a PPI more often than seldomnly will increase your risk of kidney disease by up to twenty-six percent. Luckily, there are multiple types of heartburn medicine, like H2 Blockers, which don’t come hand-in-hand with these risks.

Monitor Your Heartburn Medication

Monitor Your Heartburn Medication