Check Up On Your Blood Pressure Levels
The American Heart Association suggests that everyone should check their blood pressure at least every two years. Waiting any longer than this can put you at risk for kidney disease. High blood pressure can be very dangerous to the blood vessels inside of your kidneys, which can cause damage if they fail. If this does happen, your blood pressure levels are at risk of increasing rapidly, which is not safe. Blood pressure is called “the silent killer” for a reason; you won’t know that something is wrong unless you get it checked out.
You Don’t Need So Much Coffee
Caffeine causes a rapid increase in blood pressure levels, which can be harmful to your kidneys when consumed too heavily. Scientific research has not yet confirmed exactly how much coffee crosses the threshold of being dangerous, but keep these side effects in mind. The National Kidney Foundation says that sticking to less than four cups of coffee per day should keep you on the safe side. In addition, be mindful of coffee additives like cream or flavored syrups, as these contain a lot of sugar and fat.