Drink Plenty Of Water
Drinking five glasses of water each day will help to improve heart health in many ways. Over time, your heart will weaken and you may contract serious heart diseases if you drink less than two cups of water per day. When your blood thickens due to dehydration, your heart has to work harder to pump through your body. In turn, drinking more water will lower your blood’s thickness and make it easier for your heart to do its job properly.

Drink Plenty Of Water
Stand Up Frequently
Sitting down and not moving from your desk all day puts a strain on many different parts of your body, and your heart is one of the biggest ones. 41 studies conducted in 2015 showed that being immobile and sitting in a chair all day drastically increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. 2019 research proved that standing up for an extra hour each day can lower your risk of heart disease by up to twenty-six percent. Some ways to fix this problem are to get a standing desk, take brief walks around the office throughout the day, and leave your car a few rows back in the parking lot.

Stand Up Frequently