These Bad Habits Are Hurting Your Kidneys

Published on 12/02/2019

Don’t Stop A Prescription Early

No matter how badly you might want to stop your prescription after you’re not feeling sick anymore, you shouldn’t. Quitting the routing of a prescription cold turkey without guidance from your doctor can be very dangerous. If you are taking medications to help blood pressure or pain, they can actually cause some real damage to your kidneys if taken randomly instead of regularly. Your kidneys live for a good routine, and confusing them all the time will not be good.

Don't Stop A Prescription Early

Don’t Stop A Prescription Early


Do Your Homework On Supplements

If you are going to take daily vitamins or supplements, be sure to do your research on just how big the dosage you’re taking is. It may not seem like it, but taking too much of any vitamin is harmful, specifically to your kidneys. Specifically, make sure to check the dosage for cranberry, willow bark, wormwood oil, licorice, geranium, and vitamin C. An overload of vitamin C and cranberry can really increase your risks of developing kidney stones. Even a natural supplement like turmeric can be harmful if you take it with certain medications.

Do Your Homework On Supplements

Do Your Homework On Supplements