These Bad Habits Are Hurting Your Kidneys

Published on 12/02/2019

Keep Your Exercise Routine In-Tact

Having a good exercise routine isn’t just necessary for those who want to look good, but also for those who want to feel good internally. The National Kidney Foundation says that having a regular exercise routine can lower blood pressure, improve sleep habits, and enhance overall muscle function. Inner health like this directly translates to healthy kidneys. 150 minutes of light exercise per week is all you need.

Keep Your Exercise Routine In Tact

Keep Your Exercise Routine In Tact


Exercise In Moderation

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as exercising yourself to death. When you jump right into an intense workout, your body sometimes can’t handle it. When you work out too intensely, you can injure many muscles at once, and when you do, harmful enzymes get released into your body, which 40 percent of the time, results in kidney failure. Rhabdomyolysis is rare, but it is very dangerous. Most cases of Rhabdo occur in those who are just starting to work out when they don’t yet know their physical limits. Muscles don’t just appear, they need to be built up slowly.

Exercise In Moderation

Exercise In Moderation