Go Easy On Energy Drinks
In a study done by Frontiers in Public Health kidney disease has been closely tied to drinking energy drinks, specifically by young kids and teens. Too much caffeine can increase blood pressure and stress levels, which leads directly to kidney disease. The levels of amino acid taurine in energy drinks are also extremely dangerous, especially to people who already have kidney disorders.
Are You Getting Enough Water Each Day?
The kidney’s main job is to filter water out of the body, but it can’t filter out water if you’re dehydrated. The National Hydration Council says that kidney stones usually result from chronic dehydration. When you are experiencing a water deficiency, your urine has a much higher concentration of minerals, which crystalizes in your kidneys, creating stones. It is estimated that nine cups for women and 13 for men is about how much water you should consume each day. When you feel thirtsy, drink water.